A lady at work asked if I could make a bridal aerial topper for her car for her wedding day (congratulations again if you're reading this!). She wanted a Minnie Mouse aerial topper with a veil and a tiara, but the internet couldn't provide what she was looking for. So, I volunteered my services. She ordered an "everyday Minnie Mouse aerial topper" (teehee!) and, with a little bit of glitter and a miniature veil, voila! Very cute me thinks!
The same lady was also looking around for someone who could spell out her name, her husbands name and the date that they were getting married on a heart shaped umbrella in black diamantés. Quite intrigued with how this would look (it sounded so cool!), and after we had a look at how much the bits an pieces needed cost from the trusty interweb, I asked if I could have a go!
Just to put into perspective what I was glueing to the umbrella
And a few of these became this! (I asked for a picture of the umbrella on the day with the lovely bride and groom, so this won't be the last you see of this :D )