Saturday, 3 June 2017

Designing Cross Stitch

Every now and then I like to make things for my friends. Sometimes this comes in the form of recreating their favourite characters from cartoons/ movies that we love. The thing is, there aren't that many patterns to choose from when it comes to alternative interests. There are a few available through Etsy and Pinterest, but I thought I'd have a go at making my own.

Lets take Rick and Morty for example. This is a Cartoon produced by adult swim that our friends Munch and Webb introduced me to while we were on holiday in America. Since watching it with them, I have recognised references to the show that I was completely oblivious to in the past. Some of my favourite references have been in the form of plaques at protests against Trump and the impact that his policies could have on Science and Education in the States. 


I wanted to do a little cross stitch for Munch, because I love her. And she loves Rick and Morty.
One of my favourite characters so far as been Mr Meeseeks - lol.

But low and behold, no pattern that I wanted! So, I printed some 2mm squared paper and drew him.

Like so:

And then I used the abundance of thread that I have to find a decent colour, and then cross stitched him:

And voilĂ ! A little pressie for my friend!

Then one for Drew...


and then one for us!

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Project: The Charity Shop Dresser

Husband has wanted a sideboard/dresser since we bought the house. He thinks they look awesome and there was one at home growing up that used to belong to his Nan ans Grandad.

Every now and then we like to visit the charity shops around Macclesfield. One time, we visited the AgeUK furniture showroom and on the way in, behind some picture frames we found this one. We loved it straight away! In addition to this, it was going for a MASSIVE £40.



I think the previous owners had it living next to a window. The right hand side has been bleached by the sun over time. Most of the keys were missing and there were bumps and scratches all over it, probably from being moved around.

Step one: sand the beast down.

I did it by hand... it was difficult! But with help from my friend Cheryl and from Gaz, we got there in the end!

The most difficult part was sanding the detail without getting rid of it entirely. Oh, and then there was the sand dust... I'd recommend wearing a mask for those who are starting out like me. My lungs were not happy! I've already bought some for my next project....

Step two: Protect my hard work

I opted for matt Medium Oak varnish by Ronseal to finish the wood off. I love the colour of it - it reminds me of the furniture that my parents bought when we lived in Brazil.

Step three: The bit I was looking forward to the most

I have different colours of paint left over from bits and bobs  around the house and I wanted to use them all.

First, blue!

I also added some colour to the original detail.

And I added a touch of gold... 

And voila! 

Spring Long Stitch and a Parrot

In September last year I underwent surgery which rendered me out of action for what felt like one thousand years. It was more like four weeks, and it was B-O-R-I-N-G. Luckily Mum had some patterns and sewing kits to hand to keep me entertained. 

I know, some of the lines aren't going right way, but I like breaking the rules... ha!

For some of us, sewing is therapy. It works! 

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Always wash your hands!

I like to fill my home with friendly reminders.

I adapted an image that I found on Pinterest using squared paper. 

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

My kind of red

One of the ladies that go into my Mum's shop quite regularly heard that we had been looking into having some crochet things added to stock. The reason for this was mainly that we went to a trade show and fell in love with all the cute things... so we had to order some patterns. Problem was, neither of us really know how to crochet. So I started teaching myself with some handy YouTube tutorials for beginners. The lady let us know that she was well into my getting interested with crochet, so she sent me loads of wool to practice with... What. A. Sweetheart.

One of the balls of wool was the perfect shade of red. I just had to make something with it that I could wear regularly. Luckily, I've just taught myself how to knit!

I don't think this picture can do the colour justice.

Ariel for Sarah

It was weird having someone that I saw and spoke to every day move to another country for a year. Thanks to the powers of the internet, we still talked regularly, including drunken Facetiming - so fun!

I was sew happy (teehee) when she finally got home. I wanted to sew something for her with my new found skills and seeing as we both have a healthy love of Disney for 20+ year olds, I thought the Little Mermaid was the way to go. I adapted a pattern on squared paper using an image that I found on Pinterest as inspiration.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

A fish, a duckie, and a cottage

There aren't many things that one can do when one is disabled and bed bound for 3 weeks. Other than going crazy with cabin fever, I taught myself to cross stitch.

My Nan taught me how to cross stitch when I was a little girl. It's something that has always been at the back of my mind, but never really got back into until recently. As usual, my extremely encouraging Mum recognised an opportunity to help me with embracing the sewing genes that I have previously denied (Mum's just don't know what they're talking about when you're a teenager, right?) and hunted down all the tools that I might need on my cross stitching expeditions. She also used to dabble, and while she was going through some of the boxes that she has stored over time, she came across some Lillypotters originals, as well as one that may have been sewn by my brother. Date of creation?... 1990something.

A fish

A duckie

A cottage

I'm back, and I've been busy!

And I'm back!... after being away for quite a long time. Why? Because, life.

Since the last time I posted I have: 
  • studied and completed a masters degree (and nailed it)
  • had four jobs (all part time while I figured my shit out.. oh student life!)
  • lost weight (yay!)
  • had surgery (much sewing and WiiU happened.)
  • gained it all back (not yay!)
  • decorated the house
  • got glasses
  • been on a second dream holiday to the USA (the post-holiday blues were baaaaad)
  • lost one of my best friends, my dog Molly (....)
  • met two new baby humans 
  • been to two weddings (and have been invited to three more; so much love!)
  • watched another best friend leave to Australia for one year and come back 
  • started working in my new job after my Masters 
  • and started/continued/finished many crafting projects! 
The first thing I've done though is given the blog a little bit of an overhaul. I thought I'd tidy things up and make it a little easier for me to look at.

Welcome back to Lillypotters!