Tuesday 4 February 2014

Inspired by Ellie

Over the last few weeks I've started a few things and then not finished many of them. I call this "too - many - ideas - not - enough - hours - in - the - day " syndrome...

There may be a few post's today, trying to catch up with everything that I've started. 

Firstly though, for all those fellow fans of Pixar's UP, I was looking through some pictures online of fan art and one family had painted the same mural on their chimney as Ellie Fredricksen had. I love this idea! But I didn't want to paint it directly onto the wall because I still have some decoration ideas that I want to try out in the living room.
Instead, I painted it on a large canvas... which, when I tried to take it off the shelf at the shop, I may have completely dismantled the entire display, knocking everything that was on the canvas table onto the floor... cringe!! 

I love all the "higgledy piggledy" style of the paintings that they present throughout the film!

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