Thursday 9 January 2014

My Craft Room

After a little bit of encouragement from my mum (practically professional blogger Angie of angiequilts), this is the first post of my blog, where I plan to keep track of the things that I make.

The "other half" and I moved into our first home together (and he proposed on the same day!... soooo romantic! *swoon*) in October 2013. We are so lucky because there is plenty of space for us to continue with our hobbies. In fact, we have so much room that I get my very own craft room! 

Since moving in, my dad and my uncle have helped put some shelves on the wall and our friend Annie helped us attach the desk as well. 

This is some bunting that I finished last month made from fabric scraps from my mums quilting projects.

I thought that this was an excellent little space saving device; a little portable ironing board. This way I can have it ready to use all the time and it doesn't get in the way.

My mum has lent me a sewing machine and some draws and given me so many bits and pieces to use to make things. Every time I walk in here I get frustrated because I want to make EVERYTHING! 


  1. Why Lillypots, what fantastic natural lighting you have in your very own crafting room! I wonder for how long you can keep it so blooming tidy!!! he he he

  2. I love your crafting room Llly, it's great to be able to leave things out ready for whenever you get the urge to craft lol ;-).
