Thursday 16 January 2014

Tutorial: How to make bunting

I thought I would post the way that I make bunting in case anyone wanted to have a go.

What I used:

Sewing Machine
White ribbon (you can use all sorts for the bunting support)
White thread
Selection of fabrics
Fabric for the back

1) First I made a template for the individual pieces of bunting to make sure that they all turned out the same size. I made the top edge of the template 15cm long, so the top of the bunting was 15cm wide. The length of bunting can be whatever you want, but I like bunting to be quite long in shape. I made the template by folding the card and then drawing  and cutting a vertical line across. 

2) Choose which fabrics you would like your bunting in.

Using the template, cut out the fabric for the front and back of your bunting pieces leaving around 1cm for a seam. For the bunting that I made, I cut out 6 pieces of the colourful fabrics that I chose and then 6 pieces out of the backing fabric.

3) Using the template again, sew front and back pieces together, right sides together. Make sure that you don't sew across the top! You need to be able to turn the fabric the right way when they're done.

4) Turn the fabric the right way pushing the bottom corner out using a blunt object. I used the wrong end of a pencil:

5) Now your pieces are ready for being sewn to the ribbon (or whatever you have chosen to use). The ribbon that I chose to use it 5cm wide, so I had plenty of room to fold the ribbon and iron it to keep it in place. 

6) Arrange your bunting along the ribbon and pin it place. Then sew along the ribbon to attach it. I sewed two lines to make sure that the bunting was secure.

7) And done! Some lovely bunting for decorating! 


1 comment:

  1. That's a brilliant idea, to sew along the template edge... well done you Lilly!
