Tuesday 14 January 2014

Ruth's Owl Cushion

One of my favourite things that I have learnt how to do recently is appliqué. Ruth is a pretty big fan of owls, so an owl cushion it is!

I drew an owl onto a piece of paper to start off with and then arranged different coloured fabrics according to how I wanted it to look. The sewing around the edge isn't the best, but I've always been a fan of rustic and home made  The little legs are free motion stitching with the lovely sewing machine. Cute eh?...

Cushions are now for sale by the way, so if you have any ideas of anything that you would like making, get in touch! 


  1. Oh how very cute-tt-y cute is that!! Not scruffy Lilly... RUSTIC, sounds sooo much more arty farty!
